Bring Your Own Lender to CarSnoop.

Do you have a preferred relationship with a local bank or credit union? Sometimes dealerships work hard to eliminate that relationship and persuade you to use their lender of choice. (They get kickbacks)! CarSnoop protects your lender relationship. When you use CarSnoop for your car buying needs, our dealership network understands they are not permitted to change your lender of choice.

If your own lender has approved you for the vehicle loan, that bank is guaranteed to be your lender with CarSnoop. At CarSnoop, we respect your relationship with your bank and when you use our app or online portal process, your lender is protected. The dealerships cannot suggest or change your lending resource. As a result, your interest rate and terms are secured and not impacted by a dealer preference.

Your bank or credit union will be assured to keep your financing and it will ease the new car buying process. Your loan pre-approval and credit score are ready so CarSnoop does the rest.

CarSnoop pro tip: having a direct lender relationship will eliminate a common practice of dealers marking up the interest rate. CarSnoop clients skip the entire connection with the dealership finance department. When you’re ready to finalize the new vehicle purchase, your bank or credit union will finalize the details. Your lender will run a hard credit pull and review your full credit report in order to complete your loan application process and finalize your interest rate.

How does CarSnoop work with your lender?

By using CarSnoop to buy your new car, you will work with your lender of choice. When you submit your CarSnoop car build request on our website, you can indicate that you have a lender. As a result, your lender relationship will be guaranteed. This prevents you from experiencing rate or term surprises and/or changes.

So, how do you buy a new car with your own loan? With CarSnoop. It’s just that easy.