Avoid New Car Buying Fees.

If you walk into a car dealership to negotiate the purchase of a new vehicle, you could be caught off guard by all types of fees. These may include dealer fees, taxes and title documentation fees and additional product costs added to the top of your car purchase. How do you avoid new car buying fees?

Simplify and improve your new car buying experience. Consider CarSnoop your car buying concierge.

avoid new car buying fees

Here’s how CarSnoop avoids new car buying fee surprises:

Sales Tax. You’ll pay 7% sales tax on your new car purchase in Indiana. Additionally, you will earn a sales tax credit if you have a vehicle for trade in. With this, you pay tax on the difference figure of the purchase price of your new car versus your trade-in value. When working with CarSnoop, you avoid the in-person value negotiation and have several dealers lobbying for your business. With that, you’ll receive the best deal from the dealer who provides you the lowest difference figure.

Tire Tax. You are charged a $1.25 tire tax – for four tires and the spare in Indiana. The dealership will collect this fee on behalf of the state.

Documentation Fee. These doc fees are determined freely by dealerships. When you buy with CarSnoop, those fees are non-existent. CarSnoop has negotiated with our membership dealers to prevent you from doc fee surprises.

Warranties. You’ll be informed of warranty options and details because CarSnoop provides informational tools which help you decide the warranties and products that best suit your needs. You’d be purchasing these products through the finance department.

Other Back-End Products. You’ll be aware of these products such as tire and wheel protection, gap insurance, maintenance packages and more.

At CarSnoop, we work hard to do the legwork on your behalf to make your new car buying experience as easy as possible without the stress, surprises and costly add-ons. So choose CarSnoop for your next new car purchase to avoid new car buying fee surprises.