How Has New Car Selling Changed for Dealerships?

Let’s face it…the way we shop for so many things has changed. Car dealerships are certainly feeling the effects of the global pandemic.

Dealerships have changed due to COVID-19.

So how has new car buying changed for dealerships? The traditional selling process at car dealerships has radically changed given the global pandemic. What once was a handshake and small office finance meeting now looks different. Additionally, you, as a consumer, are hesitant to even visit the dealership. But if you need a new vehicle, you are in a position of determining how to move forward with that purchase.

Dealers are eager to evolve the car delivery process.

At-home and limited contact delivery are becoming more in demand. With CarSnoop, you skip the dealership completely and dealerships bid for your business via the CarSnoop app.

CarSnoop is your new car concierge.

CarSnoop provides a new car buying experience, all from an app on your phone. It is a smooth process and an efficient, at-home delivery. From a dealer perspective, the faster the new car transaction, the less the dealer loses. With CarSnoop, the dealer can obtain higher sales volume and maintain perfect surveys. As a result, you, as a CarSnoop customer, have an easier buying experience. You stay home and eliminate the traditional new car buying experience.

Change the way you buy a new car. Put CarSnoop to work for you.